Modern medicine is constantly on the move, improving patient outcomes. From electric stimulation applied to paralyzed stroke victims’ spinal cords to ointments that can eliminate the need for surgery on second- and third-degree burns, the advancements are many — and much appreciated by those in need. Dr. James Elist is doing his part. The inventor of the Penuma implant —an implant that’s surgically inserted under the skin to provide
Modern medicine is constantly on the move, improving patient outcomes. From electric stimulation applied to paralyzed stroke victims’ spinal cords to ointments that can eliminate the need for surgery on ...
Phaneesh Murthy, a seasoned professional in the global tech and business services sector, is known for his remarkable career spanning over three decades. With a focus on consulting, he has ...
Getting into a drug alcohol detox center for freeing yourself from the grips of addiction is the best decision you can ever make. Drugs are posing a huge threat to ...